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I have, at the moment 2 1932 coupes.  They both have the freewheel button.  Both move slightly in and out, but neither pushes all the way in.   The Deluxe has given me a little trouble.  Intermittently, I go to engage the clutch and nothing happens.  I think that it works if I rev the engine first.  From my limited understanding of the system, this should not happen, especially in first even if in freewheel mode.  I understand that many people have "locked out" the system.  I would think that if it was properly locked out it would not fall into free wheel mode.  

Any wisdom would be appreciated.  I just want to have it work in normal driving and not surprise me and do nothing.

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Steve Dalphonse
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On my 321 I have the freewheeling cable disconnected and the lever on the transmission wired down.

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Kevin Ray reacted
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@steve-d Thanks.  Good to know wired down is the direction.

Kevin Ray
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@todd-maxwell I thought wire could break sooner or later so I did mine like this.

IMG 9365

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@kevin-ray That is interesting. Mine seems to be in the lock out position. I bet the dash knob does not move because the wire is rusted in the sheath.

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I have decided that my problem is probably not the freewheeling system, but maybe the shifter forks are loose and not putting it all the way into gear.  When it won't engage 1st, it also only goes 1/2 way into revers and pops out of gear.  I shift it through 2nd and 3rd and then try to start out in 2nd.  That seems to align it.  But sometimes there is a large shudder when it engages.  I don't want to hurt it, so I proably need to have it serviced.  I had hoped it would be something easy.  LOL

Steve Dalphonse
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Posts: 149

@kevin-ray I like that set-up. Much neater looking than wiring it down .

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