So as not to hijack someone else's thread, I'm starting a new one.
It seems Gene has joined us on the new site, and I for one want to say how glad I am to see him here.
I hope I'm not overstepping here in posting this, but I do want him to know how much I valued his input on the old site.
Thanks for joining us Gene.
Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
1139 old site posts
Indeed! Welcome aboard Gene!
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Glad you are back, Gene !! I for one always valued your input.
Great news!! Welcome Gene!!
1953 Two Ten 4 door sedan
1953 Bel Air 2 door Hardtop
1968 Impala SS Convertible
Gene is a true asset of the VCCA and now our new forum. Welcome Gene.
How sweet the roar of a Chevy four
Participant on Chatter since 11/22/2001
19758 posts on the former Chatter site
Great news! Welcome back Gene. Now if we can only get Charlie to join us
Southwest Iowa
Agreed !! Does anybody talk to him on another forum, or email, or phone, or actually see him on a somewhat regular basis ?
I finally had the pleasure of meeting Gene this past early spring. I drove from Missouri to Milwaukee to pick up a couple of items I purchased from him. We had a great visit about parts, our hobby, our cars, and mutual acquaintances. He is a vast warehouse of information. It is great to have him here.
On my way home, I stopped by to see Bob Marx at MarxParts. Bob has a MOUNTAIN of NOS and NORS parts for Chevrolet and almost everything else. You guys should always check with Bob when you need stuff.
One more stop in LaCrosse, WI. to see my friend Roger Sorensen. He was in advanced stage Alzheimers but he knew me and we had a delightful visit. He died later in the Summer so I was especially glad I went to see him. Roger had many beautiful Chevys, including 1935 and 1936 Pickups. His attention to detail was second to none. I miss him very much.
Mike Russell
Many Miles of Happy Motoring
3469 Posts on Old VCCA Chat