I visited with my friend who has a vast knowledge of in-line six cylinder Chevy engines of every sort and has more engines, carbs and 235 parts than you can imagine. I was looking for a few things for the 54 and asked his opinion on the problem I'm having with the 41. After some time we took a break and had a great chocolate chip cookie and coffee. I was preparing to leave and as an after thought, I told him I was looking for a heater system for the 54 and nonchalantly, he said, "Yeah, I have the set that came off my 53, oh, and I also have the system I took off my 54". Wait! What??? Yes, he confirmed he had all the parts and they worked when taken out of his 53 (he put a heater/air conditioning set in both cars. I agreed to buy one set for $250, sight unseen. So, we went out to his parts shed and rounded up one complete heater system and then he took me to another building and pulled out a complete heater from a 54 and offered it to me. After all was said and done, he lowered his price for everything to $80. I simply couldn't believe it. So, my California BelAir will have heat this winter so I can drive it even on Christmas day. I hit the jackpot for sure. I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Go buy a lotto ticket too. What timing.
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1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
@tiny Well, my thought on the lotto ticket is: I have just as much chance to win with or without a ticket!...lol. But, I could not believe even finding a heater system much less spending that little bit of money.
Great score! Dean
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
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Lurch -1927 LM one ton truck - tinyurl.com/Lurch-VCCACHAT-Gallery
Justin - 1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) - tinyurl.com/Justin-Stovebolt-Gallery