Helping a friend do a correct restoration of his '56 3100 pick-up. It has a 6.(235). Question is what color is the engine supposed to be?
I believe that would be the dark gray. The paint sold by The Filling Station is generally considered by the VCCA to be the correct gray. Since Chevy had the paint mixed by different makers in many batches, there were differing hues but all were similar.
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The Retailers are pretty good at specifying the colors of different engines. The dark grey is correct for my 1954 235. A year ago, I bought a rattle can of this from one of the Retailers. However, now they are ALL OUT OF STOCK!! Apparently, it's not available in rattle can anymore. However, Jim Cramer has it in quarts, so to match what I've already painted, I bought a quart. I have not tried it yet. My research concluded buying the specifically mixed color for these 216s and 235s is only available from the specialty vintage Retailers we use.
Many Miles of Happy Motoring
3469 Posts on Old VCCA Chat
The Thriftmaster 235 is blue. The Jobmaster 261 is green.
Car 235's were blue, trucks were gray. The 261 was green. Attached is a photo of the 235 in my 1956 Chevy truck I'm in the process of restoring, I used the dark gray from The Filling Station.
I have a 1954 truck brochure that shows the engine colors. Unfortunately the new forum won't allow my old computer to post photos.
Having looked at many original Chevys years ago, I believe the 194(3 main, not 7 main), 206 and 216s were gray.
@lou-macmillan If your computer can access the internet you can post images, the forum doesn't stop images unless they're too large. Can I help you figure out the issue? What message(s) are you getting that make you think you can't upload images?
7046 old site posts
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1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan