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Transmission and enclosed driveline removal


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I am getting ready to remove the three on the tree and enclosed driveline assembly out of my 1952 Styleline Deluxe. What is the smart way to do it? I have never done this before.

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Support the frame in front of the rear axle. Disconnect brake line and cables. Release springs from frame or axle housing from springs. It should roll or drag out from under the car at this point. Good luck.



Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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Ok thanks. I am going to get that accomplished before Thanksgiving. Getting the rear end that I am going to use all cleaned up and gone through at this moment. Would it be smart to change out the leaf springs? They look like they are in good condition.

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One word of caution, as you remove the front universal at rear of transmission be very careful, the driveshaft will drop down (after you remove hand brake cables/mechanism) to remove it is VERY HEAVY!! Be sure you have the shaft supported prior to releasing it from transmission. You have the choice of removing driveshaft with differential from rear axle, then remove rear axle. I find that easier than removing it all at once. Just to reduce weight that you'll be moving around.

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@steven-myers Steven, someone smarter than I am will weigh in on this, I hope. My thoughts on your rear springs would be that they were not designed to withstand the twist that they will be subject to with an open driveshaft rear axle. The torque tube eliminates this force so the original springs might not be engineered to handle it. Anyone??



Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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