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Hood release interior mounting point 1948 Stylemaster Town Sedan


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My 48 came without a hood release bracket and cable. I have both installed, but see no visible mount point in the dash area to mount the knob to use the release. Anyone have any images or literature on this? I have struggled to find this anywhere. Although my drivetrain is likely mid 70's the body and dash are stock. 

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Early in this video shows a bracket on the dash lip. About 9:30 in shows the bracket well.

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In case you need further clarity here is a close-up picture of the bracket on a 41 dash which is similar to your 48.  There is a hole in the lip of the dash. The bracket has a tapped hole for a bolt.

IMG 5341


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  My dash looks different and I'm unsure if that's because the guy who built it, modified the dash or not. I suspect the bracket that hangs down in the post from Minetto, is where that switch is now that turns the fan on for the aftermarket A/C. I have been searching eBay etc.  to find a hood release bracket. Can't find anything. Am I calling it the wrong thing?

This post was modified 4 weeks ago by Larry Waibel

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I don't know the parts book name but I would call it the hood release cable bracket. If I was looking I would peruse ebay for people selling OEM 48 Chevy parts and contact them to see if they're parting out a car and have that bracket. You'll likely end up having to fabricate something. From your picture, your car has been significantly modified so a non OEM bracket shouldn't look out of place.

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