I spent an hour this morning trying to figure out how to remove the chrome headlight trim as I have a burned out headlight. I have no idea how to remove, can any of you assist?
I assume upgrading a 6 volt headlight to something brighter is complex?
You're not able to remove the headlight bezel? I have no experience with a 35 but my 38 has a single screw that's accessed from the front. It's located in the 6 o'clock position. Remove the screw then pull the bottom of the bezel forward and lift up. If the 35 is the same make sure you support the lens so it doesn't fall out as the bezel is removed. The retaining wires can corrode or are simply missing after so many years. If course, if the 35 is different from a 38 all this is moot.
7046 old site posts
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1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
I found a video of a fellow messing with the wiring of his hotrodded 1935. About 9:50 into the video he starts messing with the headlight. The headlight he has uses the pinch ring to keep the lens and reflector in place. If the stock 1935 uses that type of retainer it would benefit you to watch that part of the video.
7046 old site posts
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1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
I do not see any screws underneath the headlight like the video. Here are a few pics to show you what I see.
It looks like it might be a pinch type like shown in the video I posted a link to. If it is, the oval area shown by the red arrow in the picture below is an opening. Look in the opening for a screw. If there's a screw head there, loosen it. Remove it if possible.
That should give you enough play to flex the ring enough to remove it as shown in the video. The edge the green arrow is pointing to is where the ring will flex most.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Thanks Tiny, I will try this tonight
It's difficult to explain and have it make sense but once you get it off it'll be a head slapper how it works and how obvious it is.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan