I have a 32 cabriolet and lost one of the knobs on the side.The windshield also has a crack in the frame which doesn't seem to affect the operation. I was wondering where I might get a new knob and possibly a windshield. Does anyone know if that windshield is only specific to that year and model
thanks Carl
I believe the 31 Cabriolet is the same but the center medallion may be different. Most of the GM lines in 31 and 32 had a Fisher bodied Cabriolet so the knobs may be the same. You can check the parts list catalog available from the Filling Station to double check on application, mine is packed up. Windshield frames and parts are hard to find but they are out there. I have seen a few on e bay. I think I would start with calling the filling station and Gary Wallace. John Potter may also be a source if he has reproduced the knobs. The parts wanted section in the G&D would be a good idea as well as the parts wanted on the AACA forum.
My 31 Cabriolet frame was cracked and I had it repaired when it was replated by Sherms in Sacramento. I would not trust anyone except an expert at pot metal repair to attempt welding.