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1932 Draft Deflector Mounting Parts


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Recently purchased a nice pair of draft deflectors, aka wind wings, for my 32 closed car.  Now realize I'm missing the top bracket that mounts the deflector to the door.  I contacted the gentleman who wrote an article on them in the G & D. Unfortunately he no longer has any.  Any suggestions regarding where I might find these brackets?  None of the regular venders have them.   


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<Are you referring to what are called Breezies?>

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Not sure, never heard of wind wings or draft deflectors called that but I guess it's possible.

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@randy-coen If you click the link I posted it'll show you what I'm referring to. If that's not what you mean you might post a photo or two of your items so that we know what they are. You can use the Attach Files link just below the text box. The photos will display at the point where your cursor is when you submit them so make sure your cursor is where you want them to show.

Edit: I did a brief search of the old interweb and I think I know what you're referring to. Breezies are a modern take on Wind Wings if what I saw is what you're referring to. Breezie clamps probably look nothing like what you're needing. I'd recommend you put an ad in the Classifieds in the Parts Wanted section. You might also peruse Hemmings Motor News. They have an extensive Classified section every month. Good luck with your search.

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Steve Dalphonse
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Put an ad in the G&D and here on Chat. You may have to have them reproduced if you can get one for reference. Might be a good project for someone with a 3D printer. Breezies are the same principle for a later generation.


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