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Rim clamp printed literature


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Does anyone have any printed literature from the different rim clamp manufacturers?  I know there was original Kelsey parts, but there was also Pittsburg, someone on a different site mentioned Stone, I think I saw Firestone, who knows how many others.

I'm trying to identify the proper rim clamps for my Kelsey wheels (see attached)  

I have two rim clamps from 35Mike that seem like they might be right but I can't tell what company they were from.  I'm thinking I might just have to have clamps custom made but I want to make sure what I get milled are right! 

Below is what I found so far searching on the AACA for printed literature (sorry attached one page twice and couldn't figure out how to get it off)

Rim clamp picture is 1 of the 2 clamps I got from 35Mike.  I can't find that number on any charts so far.  Someone on the AACA thought it might be a Stone number.  These clamps seem like they fit?

Last picture is of the numbers I found on the Kelsey wheels I have.  Though the 612 doesn't make sense the same someone on the AACA told me a 614 wheel was used on a 26-27 Model X truck.



rim clamps page 2
rim clamps page 3
240T N rim clamps
kelsey rim wedge part number
IMG 0352 (1)
Kelsey wheel part number


Rick Barbour reacted
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According to the literature I have Chevrolet used wheels and rims made by Kelsey Hayes and Jaxon in the 20s and 30s. All of my '28 to '31 wood and disc wheels are Jaxon.


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I know the C73/C112 variety is what is required in the original Kelsey part number.  The 43 T-N is some kind of aftermarket one.  I was hoping that someone would have more information on the different aftermarket suppliers numbers so as I search for these on e-bay or where ever I know what numbers to look for.

Like the one page I posted is from Pittsburg; I have no idea what part number of thiers is the right one.
