20 or so years ago I ran across a Christmas Carol Title game that can be fun to play on Christmas morning. I don't know who originated the game but it wasn't me so I don't own it. Some of the titles I'm not familiar with so I suspect they are from way back. Below are adaptations of Christmas Carol titles. The object of the game is to figure out which Carol goes with which adaptation. For example #1 is All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. I'll post the answers next week before Christmas day. Feel free to copy & print.
Edit: Answers now provided in a reply below.
1: My sole desire for the Yuletide Season is receipt of a pair of Central Incisors.
2: From dark ‘til dawn, soundless and sanctimonious.
3: Celestial messengers from splendid empires.
4: The antlered quadruped with the cerise proboscis.
5: The event occurred at one minute after 11:59 PM with visibility unlimited.
6: Ornament the enclosure with large sprigs of a berry-bearing evergreen.
7: Personal hallucinations of an alabaster December 25th.
8: Anticipation of this Noel’s momentos: Nil.
9: Clappered inverted cups, sterling.
10: Testimony of witness to maternal parent’s indiscretion with Kris Kringle.
11: In a distant bovine donor.
12: Universal elation.
13: O’ miniature Nazarene village.
14: The approach of the holiday commemorating the birth of Christ is becoming evident.
15: Susanne, the frigid drip, draws nigh.
16: May Jehovah grant unto you hilarious males, retirement.
17: Those of you who are true, come here.
18: The original natal day.
19: During the dark hours when herdsmen attended their charges.
20: The horned ruminants do a slated “hesitation”.
21: I cogitate as I emigrate.
22: The Lilliputian laddy percussionist.
23: A trio of non-occidental potentates is our identity.
24: Proceed forth articulating upon the alpine formation.
25: Yuletide’s diurnal dozen.
26: Please permit pristine precipitation.
27: “Rimey”, the mannequin of crystalline H2O.
28: O’ sacred nocturnal period! The heavens glisten brilliantly.
29: Our desire is your Yuletide cheer.
30: Give attention to the melodious celestial beings.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Thanks Tiny
Think I'll print the game off so we can use it during Christmas celebrations.
Don't expect me to sing any of them though. 🙂
Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
1139 old site posts
Thank you Tiny, That looks like a very fun game and I think I will us it on Christmas day with my kids and grandkids. Although I don't that anyone will know the answers!. Merry Christmas Tiny!
Southwest Iowa
I'll post the answers next week John.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Quiz Answers. Enjoy.
01: Two front teeth
02: Silent Night
03: Angels from realms of glory
04: Rudolph the red nose reindeer
05: It came upon a midnight clear
06: Deck the halls with boughs of holly
07: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
08: I’m getting nothing for Christmas
09: Silver bells
10: I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
11: Away in a manger
12: Joy to the world
13: O’ little town of Bethlehem
14: It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
15: Here comes Suzy snowflake
16: God rest ye merry gentlemen
17: O’ come all ye faithful
18: The first noel
19: While shepherds watched their flocks by night
20: Up on the rooftop
21: I wonder as I wander
22: Little drummer boy
23: We three kings of orient are
24: Go tell it on the mountain
25: Twelve days of Christmas
26: Let it snow
27: Frosty the snowman
28: O’ holy night
29: We wish you a merry Christmas
30: Hark the herald angels sing
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Evan I didn't know some of the answers Tiny. Thank you for posting them!
Southwest Iowa
Tiny how do I start a new topic? I can't seem to find the way I used to do it.
Southwest Iowa
Tiny how do I start a new topic? I can't seem to find the way I used to do it.
Click on the forum you want the new thread in then click on the Add Topic button on the right of the page.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan