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Post view delay??


Steve Dalphonse
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For some reason when I make a post and then check it later without logging in the post does not show until a couple hours later.  It gets a little confusing when i post a question and then go back to the site a little later and see no replies. However my Email has a notification that a reply exist. If I then log in it appears the system updates and the reply is viewable. Just curious if this is a built in "feature" or if it may be a setting on my end.

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I've not run across that Steve so I don't have a specific answer. One thing you might try is to not log out when you leave the site. Next time you log in to visit, click the Remember Me box then simply leave when you're done. I never log out. Any time I post something it's instantly visible. Try not logging out and see if that makes a difference.

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Hi Steve

I get quirkiness like that too.

Sometimes, when I go onto the site without logging in, the latest posts (including my own) don't show up until I click my "refresh", and then they appear.

And I have had instances like you where nothing but logging back in wil make them appear.

I thought maybe it was just me... guess not.  🙂

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Steve Dalphonse
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@tiny Just logged in and did check the remember me button as suggested. I thought the remember me box was for remembering the log-in and password. I never checked it and it always auto filled. I did log out and yes it " forgot me" but not my password or user name.

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Hall Monitor Moderator
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The auto-fill is browser dependent. In other words the browser you use is the "entity" that handles that function, not the site software. The Remember Me button sets a cookie in your browser that tells it you're already logged in so you don't have to log in again until that cookie expires. Until the cookie expires, each time you access the site the site software and your browser do what used to be called a handshake (maybe still is??), the site see's you're already logged in, and you don't have to log in again. The cookie expires every so often (week or two) so you'll occasionally have to log in again.

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Speaking of wonky, every web page that I've looked at this morning in these forums has not loaded completely, so I've had to refresh the page (press F5 on my keyboard) to see the whole page. I'm using the Chrome browser.


UPDATE: After being at for a little while, I got the same wonkiness when I tried to get to my AOL email. So, I shut down the browser, waited one minute or so, and restarted the browser. Everything is working okay now.

So, the solution for me was to reboot my browser.

All electronic devices need to be rebooted or shut down occasionally to rid their brains of cobwebs. 


This post was modified 4 weeks ago 2 times by Rustoholic

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