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Hall Monitor Moderator
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Posted by: @james-orr-2

Switch back to the old software and everyone will be back. This new software is going to be the ruin of us.


The software for the old site is no longer supported and not compatible with nearly all modern software. You may remember the numerous lengthy outages we experienced before the switch that required the club to hire one of the authors of the old software to help with a fix. That is not sustainable and the old software WILL eventually break and not be recoverable. It is currently held together with the digital equivalent of duct tape and bubble gum.


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Steve Dalphonse
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I may be wrong but it seems most of the current users of the new site are VCCA members and we don't seem to be drawing viewers from the internet. When I did a search of " Vintage Chevrolet Club of America" the old chat site was at the forefront. Previously when viewing who was online on the "old chat" if there were say 25 viewing perhaps 20 were non -members. Perhaps those doing a google search on a topic are being directed to the old site and directly to a topic . With the old site having thousands of topics discussed and the new site hardly any I can understand why the new site is not getting the hits.

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JSchildberg3 reacted
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I am on a lot of other Forums, some car related some shooting related all have to do with collecting and sharing ideas and info. All charge dues all have fairly large number of members. All have had software updates over the last 20 years. All still enjoy much member participation. Not to be too critical but this software is the worst that I have participated in. It is much slower and  not very intuitive to use. I am not trying to throw stones at anyone but what we had before the upgrade was a very active membership with an unbelievable amount of vehicle info and history available quickly. I just hate for that to be lost. It's like we had a lot of members suddenly disappear.  What suggestions does the software supplier have to get more participation like we had. Before the software change this was my go to site for all things Chevrolet, because someone always had the info or help that I needed. Some I have actually called and texted for additional discussions and help. They were aways ready to participate. I don't have the answer but I hope someone does.



JSchildberg3 reacted
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All I can say is compliments, complaints and opinions in between should be directed to the Director in your district.

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JSchildberg3 reacted
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Tiny, with all due respect. You say we should contact our local director in our district. Shouldn’t they also be monitoring the website and maybe give their thoughts on the matter. I notice you defending the site but where are the directors? Fine the changes were made, there’s no going back for obvious reasons but how do we get the participation from the missing members back? I am in my 60’s, I am not a novice yet not a pro with all the answers. I rely on the knowledge from this website. It’s bad enough that we are loosing suppliers and venders because of the economy and individuals who provide services because of age or death. We can’t afford to lose members who have vast amounts of knowledge. The majority of youth want fast or modified, they don’t want original. So the few who do want to learn will be left with no one to ask. So I’ll end with this, the site isn’t perfect but how do we get there?

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@enrique-cardona I can't speak for the directors any more than you can. I have no idea if they are monitoring the site or not. At the risk of being redundant the only people who can answer those questions are the directors.

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It takes way too much time to find what I'm looking for on this new site. Very confusing.The forum for asking questions and sharing is the main reason that I am a member. Maybe there is somthing I am missing. I'll give it a good try. Is there a way to show more items per page so I can just scroll down instead of loading a new page?

This post was modified 8 months ago by Steve Neumeyer

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@steve-neumeyer I don't know Steve. It'll be in your account settings if there is.

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This is just my two cents, but, anytime there was a change of any kind to the old forum in the past there would be scathing posts over changes being made to the forums. Quite a few long time members that weren't comfortable with technology would lead the charge and there was a lot of complaining. I am sure some of those folks lost their minds when the new forum was created and have since decided not to paticipate. This forum is what we make it, so lets try to give it a chance before we give up on it. We all are aware of why the changes were made to get us here. Going back would not be a good option. Just my 2 cents....Dave

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Nick Gurin and Tiny reacted
Steve Dalphonse
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@david-richards The biggest issue I find amongst members is losing the continuity from the old chat site. It's like getting divorced from the person you married-sure you can start over and still refer to and be involved with things from the past but it will never be the same. Some times that's good but only time will tell. I have heard contradicting information regarding  availability of updates for the previous software programming but I am not a software engineer and do not have enough information to comment on it and probably even with all the details would still not understand the issues.

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Dick W Pirkey
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It is what it is,,,, lets move on and make it better.

Tiny reacted
(@J Franklin)
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Do I have to be a club member to register for this site? How would I register if I can?

Hall Monitor Moderator
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@J Franklin You are able to post so you are registered. Membership is not required.

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(@J Franklin)
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I see I can post here but not in the technical forums. It directs me to register or log in.

Hall Monitor Moderator
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 775

I see I can post here but not in the technical forums. It directs me to register or log in.

I see. We're all learning as we go. I wasn't aware of that limitation. It may be because you're still in "moderation" which means your posts must be reviewed by a moderator and approved before they actually appear in the forum. The posting restriction might be because of that. The moderation requirement usually stops after the fourth post so lets try this; make another post and once it's approved, try posting in a technical forum.


7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan

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