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My journey to get her started - 1929 Chevrolet Truck


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Just arrived a week ago.  Many states away.

She's been sitting alone for 10 - 11 months.  Charged the battery and she turns over very well, no popping as to the attempt to start.

So, starting today, I decided to check things out.  Plus battery back on charge.

Plugs AC 87 (heavy carbon) and found gap settings as .025, .026, .028, .028, .028, .024 - cleaned and gap to .025

Plug wires are properly positioned, fire order 153624  (194 engine)

Distributor and rotor looks like new (no spark wear on contacts at all)  and the cap has no crack(s) - no moisture either

Coil has spark.

Checked the "Spark Advance" knob/cable to insure the distributor is in its proper no use position (closed so to speak).

Gas tank has gas, noticed the gas cap has no vent so loosened its closed condition.

Sprayed "Starter Fluid" into carb, and gave it another try.  No Good.  Not even a pop as if she is tying to start up.  Tried three times.

Yes, the choke is working properly.

So.  This afternoon put this all aside and decided to wait for the carburetor parts on order to arrive.

Once the parts arrive, my next plan is to pull the RJH-08 Carb but before I dismount from the intake manifold, once the gas line is disconnected from the carb, I'll try the start again to see if there is gas flow.  Who knows, it could be a bad fuel pump??  We'll see...  Oh, yes, I'll drain the glass bowl filter at the fuel pump just to be sure...doesn't look like any sediment present, but what the heck...drain away.

It's February, and it's cold out there.

Any one have any other thoughts on my Journey??




David Dunton
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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 45

Chipper/Chip has a good guide for trouble shooting somewhere on the old forum. Maybe someone could post it here, I cant find it. You say the coil has spark how about the plugs? Starting fluid not working would seem to indicate no spark. I would verify the valves are not stuck from sitting.



ChatMaster Moderator
Joined: 34 years ago
Posts: 122

Here's Chipper's electrical troubleshooting discussion on

In addition to that, I suggest that you squirt a little automatic transmission fluid into each spark plug hole and let it soak for a couple of days before trying to start it again. The ATF will lubricate the cylinders and seep into the rings to help free them up if they are stuck.

Cheers, Dean

Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
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Steve Dalphonse
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Posts: 181

I think most of the members with the 194 have their spark gap set at .040 and the timing around 18 degrees BTDC. With fuel and spark you should still get it to fire regardless of the above settings.

7472 old site post
