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19 50–54 powerglide shift bracket variations


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These pictures show the three different versions of the bracket that were used for the shifter assembly on the 1950 to 54 powerglide cars. The one on the right is the original that came off my car that was built in April 1950. The one on the left side was changed in October 1950 part number 3693701 . the steps are identical to the original bracket but the hole for the bronze bushing that’s incased in rubber is larger. The one in the middle is number. 3702888. This was put into production January 1953. You can see they changed the edge of the bracket so that the shift arm would ride up the ramp when going to the park position. I just swapped out the column in my 50 Chevy with one of the columns with the X cast into it showing that it has the different steering ratio. I cannot get my original parts to go back together. I would just as soon use the latest version in the middle, but I have no idea where to find a bronze bushing with a rubber insulator the correct size a larger hole. Does anybody know of a source the correct size bronze washing to fit the larger holes in these two updated parts?



IMG 9615
IMG 9614
IMG 9613
IMG 9612

Hall Monitor Moderator
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Try Vintage Chevrolet Parts 760 723-5134. He had a piece of unobtainium for me a while back.

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