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36 door lock


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When I bought my 36 Master, it didn't come with a key for the door.  After taking the handle/lock to a locksmith, they found the code and made a key.  The problem now is, when I turn the key to lock or unlock the door, the key won't come out, only when it's in 'normal' position.  Can you lock the door from the outside or do you have to lock it with the lever on the inside and then shut the door?  That doesn't seem right.


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In a lot of cases when you lock with a key you need to centre the key to remove it, the door will stay locked with the key in the centre position.



Hall Monitor Moderator
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I almost never lock my 38 when not on tour and I don't remember the specifics. I'll have to go out to the garage and check it. I assume it's similar to the 36.

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Hall Monitor Moderator
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I don't know how this translates to a 36 but I checked the operation of my 38. Whether turning the key to lock or unlock there's a spring that returns the key to the center position. I did try to remove the key in the locked and unlocked positions and I was able to remove it. If you use the key to lock the door you should be able to remove the key in the center position without having to unlock the door.

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TonyW reacted
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We have a '36 Master Town Sedan. I don't remember if I tried the key in the door lock (I probably have) but we use the trunk all the time. The key cannot be removed in any other position than locked. You can't pull the key out after unlocking the trunk, and the handle has to be returned to the closed position before locking it and removing the key. Just one of those odd little quirks of an old car.
