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Schrader valve caps


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Can anyone provide any actual evidence of domed Schrader caps being used on '29-32' Chevrolets?

I have seen hearsay in old forum posts but no actual evidence?

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I don't know what you might consider "evidence"? The tires, tubes, and hardware are not listed in 1929-1932 parts books as Chevrolet parts did not produce or distribute them. Individual dealers might sell them but not through the GM or Chevrolet parts system. That leaves other Chevrolet literature or documents. I am not aware of any that specify valve stem covers. There may be some "factory" photos that show the valve stems and caps. However virtually all of them are promotional, pre-production and have some artistic "improvements" that do not necessarily represent what was actually used in the assembly plants.

So my recommendation is to use what you feel is best and most accurate. I don't know of anyone that has accurate documentation to refute it.

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Thanks for that Chip. I read in a few past threads that some factory photos show only 1 tire should have the pronged cap but all the Schrader literature I have seen only show the domed cap used on high pressure tubes in large vehicle applications. So I assume pronged caps on all tires is most correct.
