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Installing gaskets (shims) in torque tube ball joint


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I have the new gaskets for the torque tube ball joint on my 29 Chevy. The Ball joint is clean and smooth. I replaced the old cork gasket in the end of the ball joint tube with the O ring supplied by The Filling Station. The instructions say to adjust the clearance of the ball joint with the large beveled cork gasket removed and add or remove shims as needed. With only one gasket (shim) in place there is more play than they recommend. Should I leave it as is or install the cup with no gaskets (shims) and use an anerobic gasket sealer instead? I am worried that will cause a leak. With just the shim and the beveled cork gasket in place the cup and ball are quite tight.

Ideas anyone?

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I am not sure of the settings but I would try without shims and check from there. The new cork gasket will take up a lot of the slack where a used gasket may not take up enough.


29Red4 reacted
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I readdressed the problem this morning. With 1 shim it is stiff in some areas. With the new cork gasket it is almost immovable but of course the cork is dry and has not had time to compress. I have decided to press on and install with the 1 gasket/shim. From what I read there will always be a leak of oil somewhere from this car. I am sure assembling with no gasket would would be a guaranteed leak. I will have to have some sort of long pan under the car when it is parked in the garage.

I am sure glad this forum exists.

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Hello 29Red4,

Vcca old Chevy Chat forum, 'Torque tube ball adjustment' started by Fleetliner 05/18/12 10:28pm #243194. Junkyard Dog's reply seems appropriate.

29Red4 reacted
Morten C
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Posted by: @harry-truppner

Hello 29Red4,

Vcca old Chevy Chat forum, 'Torque tube ball adjustment' started by Fleetliner 05/18/12 10:28pm #243194. Junkyard Dog's reply seems appropriate.


Link to JYD`s reply


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Nearly all old cars leaked a little oil from the factory. It is only the later "save the planet" people that have caused the no oil leak situation, I am not saying this is wrong but makes it hard for us restorers though.


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Be sure to read the rest of the posts after JYD's post. Don't be afraid to peruse the old site. It has decades of very useful information at your finger tips.

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I appreciate the help. I have read many threads on the old and new sites but it is nice to hear up to the minute replies in case things have changed.

This post was modified 5 months ago by 29Red4
