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(@Dennis Peters)
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 IMG 1798

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Does it have the top irons that go between the windshield header and foldable landau irons shown in the photos? Based on the photos that don't show any significant rust or dented or mangled sheetmetal, description and if the top irons are present the value is $ 8000+ range. Restored the value is $ 35000 range. Top notch restoration up to $ 50K.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Chip

How sweet the roar of a Chevy four
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@chip Look at the first picture I posted and laying on the top of seat back they are a pair of pieces that I think are the irons you reference. They look like a channel that the top of door window seats in.

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The part with the channel looks like the top header that goes above the windshield to me.

How sweet the roar of a Chevy four
Participant on Chatter since 11/22/2001
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