FYI - Vintage New Chevy truck EV
👍 Dean
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on
1927 LM one ton truck -
1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) -
It is probably the way the automotive industry is going but I consider this sacriledge, making a classic truck into an EV is not part of the game.
I agree. I refuse to buy into the EV delusion. They are not " Green " at all. Have you read about what it takes to make just 1 battery for these vehicles ??
I dont know about the US but here in Aus they are going to turn the coal and gas generators off and rely on wind and solar generators. During summer a coal generator had the shut down for repairs, next thing we were being told to reduce our use of electricity because the system could not keep up with demand causing blackouts. By the information I have each electric car is equivalent to adding another house to the grid so we can now look forward to a severe lack of grid power.
Wow, that's crazy ! Good luck , Tony. Yes, here in the USA , we might start to head that way. I have a whole house generator that is hooked up to my natural gas line. My power goes out here several times a year. Glad I bought the generator !
I have a whole house generator that is hooked up to my natural gas line. My power goes out here several times a year. Glad I bought the generator !
I have a Generac whole house generator. It's SO nice to not have to venture out in a storm to connect and fire up our old portable any more. Expensive but worth every penny.
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With those auto start units you do need to fully fuel the generator after each start up or you could ended up with a blackout and a empty fuel tank in the generator as well