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David Dunton
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How do you edit a classified ad?



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Click the Classifieds button. Above the list of categories are three links in red. One is Edit Your Online Ads. Click that and see if that gets you where you need to go.

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David Dunton reacted
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@jerry-berry Jerry, Our ideas about how the site should work do not seem to matter much. The design is for the convenience of the administrator, not the user. Look at the loss of participation from members who had vast knowledge to share. It's very sad.



Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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Mike, It's sad that that's the perception of many. The reason for the site change has been explained over and over in other threads. Rest assured the convenience of the Webmaster was WAY down the list of reasons for the change. He would argue it's not on the list at all. It IS sad that many of the long time club members with vast knowledge have chosen to not participate. My personal feeling is, for many of them, that is because of ego rather than ability to navigate the site. Thank you for not being one of them! Your knowledge is a real benefit to all of us. If you know someone who is having legitimate difficulty registering to the site have them contact me. If I can't help them I'll put them in touch with Peter.

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Hi Tiny

It may not be so much "ego", as the natural human tendency to resist change.

People seldom choose to change just for the sake of change.

We all change, and do accept change, but if we don't see an obvious immediate advantage to ourselves, which is the case here, we naturally resist it.

Just an aspect of human nature we may need to account for here.  🙂


There is of course an advantage to switching to the new site, it's just that it isn't immediately apparent to members.

That being of course because the advantage lies in the future, where we don't see it yet.

Maybe we need to look for ways to encourage the migration that give an immediate sense of "advantage"?

Or at least remove some of the perceived "disadvantage" like the loss of the old post count?


Ole S Olson
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I agree in part, change for the sake of change isnt not my choice but change for a reason(as this change has been explained to me) I can live with but not always with joy. As for the post counter I dont give a dead rats backside about.


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"As for the post counter I dont give a dead rats backside about."

Me not so much either, but some do/did.

Just looking for something that might be of value to some of the regulars from the old site to entice them to migrate over here.


Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
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Thanks for all that you do for the site.

I made no mention of the fact that it is a new site. My beef is that it is so unfriendly, in so many ways, and not the least bit intuitive, at least to me. 

Inability to post comments on classified ads.

Cumbersome method for adding a classified ad.

I would sometimes drop in for a look around without logging in. If I saw a topic of interest, I could go to login, for a comment, and it would return me to the post that caught my eye. This feature is gone.

These are a few things that come to mind.

When so many have not made the change, you can't put the blame on all of them. They're too stubborn, they're too set in their ways, they're too old to learn something new, their ego prevents them from coming over. WHAT A LOAD OF B.S. If the site was friendly, they would be here. I came very close to being one of them.

If we need a new site, OK, we need a new site. I get it, and so do they. But a new site with so little of the feel and features of the old Chat, is not the answer.

I don't know the numbers, regarding participation, but I will wager that an honest assessment tells a sad story. 





Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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@35mike Very nicely stated, I 100% agree with everything that you said. Unintuitive to the MAX.


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@35mike I can't disagree with a lot of that Mike. All I can say is comments and complaints need to be made to your area director. The decision was theirs and any change will also be theirs. There's a lot I don't like but some parts I really do like.

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Hello all, I understand why the change had to be made. The old site wasn’t supported anymore. I understand most people don’t like change for what ever the reason. I just have one question, why couldn’t the new site mirror the old site? I would think it would have been easy enough to do, make the transition easier for the members and then make upgrades/changes as needed. Just my thoughts.

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@enrique-cardona EXACTAMUNDO!! To quote a line from one of my favorite movies.

Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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Posted by: @enrique-cardona

Hello all, I understand why the change had to be made. The old site wasn’t supported anymore. I understand most people don’t like change for what ever the reason. I just have one question, why couldn’t the new site mirror the old site? I would think it would have been easy enough to do, make the transition easier for the members and then make upgrades/changes as needed. Just my thoughts.

This is an educated guess on my part but I don't believe anyone has marketed forum software that closely mirrors the old site. If I'm correct, mirroring the old site would have likely required custom software which wouldn't be a wise use of dues dollars IMHO. From discussions with Peter I do know that the content from the old site was impossible to migrate to ANY new site because the old software was a cobbled up mess that NO current software supports. While migration of the old site is technically "possible" it would require many hours of manual labor to accomplish. With a dearth of volunteers to do so it's a cost the club simply can't afford. The BOD had a decision to make and they felt this software was the best use of dues dollars. As always, questions and comments about club decisions get more accurate responses and useful discussions when directed to the area Director.


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So you are saying that Peter and/or the BOD went looking for a "fill in the blanks" forum and this is the best they could find or the only one they could afford.



Many Miles of Happy Motoring
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Not being on the board I can't say what they did or didn't do but in the pre-switchover video conference between Peter and some of the Mods (all that were able to tune in. Remember different time zones and parts of the world made it difficult for some.) it was made clear that no currently available software is compatible with the old forum software that would allow a direct migration from old to new. If I remember right it was mentioned that there was some shopping around of forum software and this is what was chosen. Questions about the reasoning behind the choice need to be made to the Directors. I was not part of that decision. It was mentioned all available software had pluses and negatives. My comment about affordability is based on personal knowledge of custom work of any kind. I've not paid anyone to custom write software. People changing spark plugs are charging $100 an hour. Figure a few dozen hours of writing and developing complex custom software at whatever those folks charge per hour and then decide if that's dues dollars well spent.

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