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Parts wanted ad


Steve Dalphonse
Estimable Member Registered
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Posts: 178
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I find the parts wanted ad procedure to be very confusing. The form is designed as if it's a for sale ad. Due to previous ad scam replies I only listed my first name and VCCA number so if someone does try to reply they will need to research that info . or contact thru this site as I will post in the 49-54 forum.

7472 old site post

Active Member Registered
Joined: 55 years ago
Posts: 14

I find that this forum is dumb and confusing.
Note how many long time mrmbers are mo longer activr'
Who chose this forum? it was a poor choice.

Member Moderator
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 178

I am tending to agree with you Gene. The old forum started going down the hill when Bill Barker was replaced.


Trusted Member Registered
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 52

@anthony-williamson AGREED! 😭


Reputable Member Registered
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 230

I am told that club leadership doesn't give a hoot about the site. You might have noticed that there is little, if any, participation here, from any of them. I have sent direct emails to Roger (club president) and Tim, (my area director) with concerns about the site. I was not extended the courtesy of a reply from either of them. This leads me to believe that they know it SUCKS and don't care.

They apparently do not realize that a newcomer to the vintage Chevy hobby will likely find Chat as his first contact with the Club. His disappointment at what he finds here will probably not lead to a VCCA membership.

It's sort of like the old days when VCCA was a California based club and the rest of us were just dues payers to keep the club alive. Same attitude, at the top, just not confined to California.

If it was not for Tiny, VCCA Chat would be dead as a result of the change-over.


Many Miles of Happy Motoring
3469 Posts on Old VCCA Chat

Member Moderator
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 178

I have noticed that a lot of major contributors (mostly the original contributors) to the old Chatter seemed to disappear when Bill Barker was replaced as administrator. The current administrator is rarely seen with the explanation he is busy with other chat groups. At some stage not long after the administrator change on the old forum  was made moderator (found this by accident) but still havent been informed of my authorities as such, nothing has changed on this forum.

