I have not entered a car for judging at a show but I imagine getting a win would be exhilarating.
I need to find more shows
I need to find more shows
You should sign up for some club tours. Once you do one you'll be hooked.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Planning on going to Wisconsin for a vacation
Sharing a video from 3 years ago of Lincolnwood fest
Car shows are great fun! I often tell folks that owning a collector vehicle is a socially acceptable way to get attention. 😉
I love driving Justin (1928 AB Canopy Express) to local car shows and it's especially neat when you're recognized for your hard work and effort.
Lurch's best awards were the Best Hood Ornament (for the motometer) at one show, the Ladies Choice Award at another show, and the Rust Belt American Junk (GM) award at the Monterey Concours d'Lemons show.
Justin's best awards were People's Choice Award at one show, and two awards at a show put on by a bunch of Carpenter Unions: the Under Construction award and the WTF award.
Cheers, Dean
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on vccachat.org
Lurch -1927 LM one ton truck - tinyurl.com/Lurch-VCCACHAT-Gallery
Justin - 1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) - tinyurl.com/Justin-Stovebolt-Gallery
Very cool! Dean
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on vccachat.org
Lurch -1927 LM one ton truck - tinyurl.com/Lurch-VCCACHAT-Gallery
Justin - 1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) - tinyurl.com/Justin-Stovebolt-Gallery