I have a '28 Chevy one ton truck with the turn signals shown here (probably aftermarket). plastic lenses are kaput. I have tried to determine what the material was/is that the lenses were made of. I have tried a few different plastics yet nothing that seems to work well. so then, I thought maybe a clear plastic, and use colored light bulbs. Well, there doesn't seem to be a six-volt colored bulb(amber and red) that fits the existing socket. The current clear bulb is .5945 inches in diameter with two pins equal distance around the base, .965 inches up from the bottom of the base. (the current clear bulb has no ID on it, but NAPA fellow said he thinks it is a 1154.
Any thoughts on the lens material or sourcing red and amber tinted bulbs?
A couple of photos of the bulb showing the contacts and pin placement would help identify it. An 1154 is a dual filament bulb with offset pins and a BA15 base. There's no reason for it to be an 1154 unless it also serves as a parking light. I would wager it's an 1156 which is the same size bulb but single filament with straight across pins. You can get both red and amber 1156 bulbs.
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OOPS, Fat finger. You are right Tiny, 1054. What I am looking for is a amber/red tinted single filament 6v bulb with the same base as a 1054
1054 is a large globe dual filament bulb. I don't know but I suspect you're wanting the 1156. Again, photos will help.
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That's the right size and appearance for either an 87 or 1156. The OP needs to post images of the bulbs he's referring to (or agree your pictures are like his) so we can help him. I believe it's the 1156 he's needing.
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I'm confused, I am the original poster, and the bulb pics I posted above are the bulbs I am referring to. To reiterate my problem, the colored lenses in the turn signals have decayed and crumbled away. So, I am trying to either find tinted plastic to replace the original lenses OR use clear plastic and replace the original clear 6v bulb with a tinted bulb. I don't know that a 6v tinted bulb even exists. When we refer to the bulb number, I am not sure just what that means, if the number simply refers to the base style/dimensions or includes specs such as operating voltage and type of glass (colored or clear). If the later is the case, then supplying bulb no's or pics would be less than useful, since that would not be what I am looking for. For that reason, I initially simply supplied the base dimensions and did not supply pics.
Hopefully that clears up what I am looking for.
The lenses were some sort of 'plastic' sandwiched between two discs of sheet metal with arrows stamped out of them (see pic above) which were then riveted together. I have tried several different plastics with mixed results. Getting a suitable color with acceptable light passage is tricky.
Anyway, I appreciate any and all suggestions, and thank all in advance.
I apologize any confusion I may have caused
@lou Sorry Lou! My mistake. Trying to do too many things at the same time. What's the old saying about walking and chewing gum...... The pictures you posted show a bulb that could be either an 87 or 1156. The 1156 is brighter than the 87 and is available in red. Google "red #1156 bulb" and you'll find lots of places selling them if you end up going with clear plastic. A regular 1156 will work if you find colored plastic.
I don't know the naming (numbering) convention used by the manufacturers but the number is simply a way to identify them. There are lots of bulbs the same physical size that are different in some way (number of filaments, brightness, pin orientation, power consumption) so they have different numbers. For instance the #63 and #81 are both 6v bulbs the same size but one puts out 3 candle power and the other puts out 6 candle power so they have different numbers to identify them. The parts man was thinking of the dual filament bulb when he said 1154. The 1154 is the same physical size as the 1156 but has a dim and bright filament and offset pins on the sides so you can't get them in backwards.
Sorry for the confusion I caused.
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Hey, NP Tiny, that helps a lot! Thanks again
Google "red #1156 bulb" and you'll find lots of places selling them if you end going with clear plastic. A regular 1156 will work if you find colored plastic.
You can always paint a clear bulb with red fingernail polish or red paint
935 Old site posts
@richard Hobby Lobby sells what they call Stained Glass Paint. I used it to color the lens of an old implement light, that was clear, to make it my third brake light on my 53. It's a transparent paint. The more coats you spray on, the darker the color gets. Image below.
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