1929 converted to n...
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1929 converted to negative ground. What has to be done


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I am the new owner of a 1929 AC International that sometime in its past was converted to negative ground and there is a battery cut off switch in the grounded negative cable. There is no information about the work already done. There is still a generator. The electro lock ignition switch has been replaced by a wired key switch. What do I need to check to insure the conversion was done correctly?

This car is new to me and I want a driver so I will need lots of help in the future'


Hall Monitor Moderator
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All Chevrolets were negative ground from the factory.

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That is really good to know. In all my reading that has never come up so I guess I just assumed it was positive ground like many other cars of that era.

Thanks for the quick response.

Hall Monitor Moderator
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No problem. You're not the first to make that assumption and I'd wager you won't be the last.

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That's why I joined this forum. So much knowledge out there so I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Thanks again.
