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Oil in water?


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Now that I've had a chance to drive my 36 a little bit, I discovered that when I returned home, there was water coming from the overflow tube. I may have over filled it, but what bothers me is that the 'water' was white and kind of foamy. That indicates to me that there is oil in the water. My first thought is a bad head gasket, but not being familiar with these engines, is there something else that could cause this?

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When the foam dissapated did it leave an oily mark or only a water mark?   I am suspecting it is cavitation at the water pump that has froth up in the radiator and being forced out the overflow due to a overfill, an easy fix compared to your suggestion.


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@anthony-williamson I first thought the same thing, but I've never seen that before.  So, what is the fix?

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If it is water pump cavitation I think there is a gland nut around the water pump shaft, back it out and wrap a few turns of teflon tape around the shaft then tighten the gland nut onto that. I remove the fan belt out of the way and tighten the gland nut until you can feel resistance when turning the pump by hand in close to the shaft. There maybe a grease cup or nipple (some in the US refer to them as zerk), put some water proof grease in it as well.


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Thanks, I'll give that a try.

