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235 Carb


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IMG 1150

I need to get a kit to rebuild the carb on my 61 235CI. There is no manufacturer name on it. The only number that I can find is on the base at the front of the carb. That appears to be 003838. The attached picture is of a rebuilt tag that is where the manufacturer usually puts a tag on. I need help in identifying it so that I can rebuild it.

This topic was modified 10 months ago by Gary Mehl

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Hi Gary

It appears that the complete AutoLine rebuilt carburetor is still listed and available at places like NAPA.

And they list it as a Rochester BC

That's not much info, but I hope it helps.

Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
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Additionally, there is a member of the VCCA who is a great source for the right and the best kit for your carburetor.

I'm adding a link to the contact page on his website for your convenience.

And here is his page listing carbs and kits for 1961 235's (is yours a manual or automatic transmission?)



Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
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If that 003838 is actually 003538 (sometimes these numbers can be difficult to read), it is the CASTING number for a throttle body for a carburetor which would have originally had the tag number 7003526. This carburetor was original equipment on 1952 Chevrolet with 235.


This post was modified 7 months ago by carbking

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Posted by: @carbking

If that 003838 is actually 003538 (sometimes these numbers can be difficult to read), it is the CASTING number for a throttle body for a carburetor which would have originally had the tag number 7003526. This carburetor was original equipment on 1952 Chevrolet with 235.


Jon, so happy you got your log-on challenge handled! Glad to have you aboard my man! Thanks for not giving up.


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