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31 Sport Coupe Rumble Seat / Trunk Lid Drip Edge


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Hi All and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I just got finished replacing the wood in the rear of my sport coupe.  After finishing things up I noticed that the rain drip edge on the top and the sides are large enough to handle most rainstorms.  I was wondering where does all the water go?  Is there something that I am missing or does the water drain into the trunk / rumble seat area through the holes on the floor pan and out to the ground?  Please help.

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The water drains down the troughs to a hole in the rumble seat pan and hopefully then out on the ground.

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I kind of thought that that is how it works but was hoping I was wrong.  I did coat all the new and surrounding with spar varnish.  That should keep things rot free for a while.  Thanks for the help.

