Is there a seal on the distributor where that indented ring in the block, where the distributor is installed?
Hi Dick
I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
Any seal would cause resistance.
Any resistance would impede the vacuum advances ability to turn the whole distributor for timing changes.
i know mine doesn't. 🙂
Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
1139 old site posts
TY... my only thought was would oil leak there.
Short answer is... no.
That said, 216's are not perfectly sealed. 🙂
There may be a little seepage, but very little.
Mine doesn't leak enough to ever make a drip.
Just gets a little dirty around the edges.
Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
1139 old site posts