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1938 216 smoking on deceleration


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We are rebuilding a 1938 chevy.  We were told the engine was rebuilt.  The engine runs smooth, but smokes on deceleration.  There is about 130 psi at each cylinder.  #1 plug looks clean, all other plugs are black, like carbon build up.  Any ideas on what we should check before we replace the engine?

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Hi Mario, You have another 38? I didn't move to Texas. I'm still working on my 38


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How far has it been since the rebuild?? Some rings take longer than others to bed in a seal the oil in place, another possibility is it sat for an extended time after the rebuild and the assembly lube has hardened a stuck the oil rings in the pistons. Another possibility is excess valve guide clearance but that shows up more at initial start, I have used the umbrella seals with good results though others on here have had the opposite results.


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the engine was probably rebuilt 7-10 years ago.  We will keep running it to see how it does.
