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1928 Chevrolet Wood Bodied Station Wagon


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my son and i recently purchased a 1928 Chevrolet Wood Bodied Station Wagon that spent its years in Connecticut.  Before it was restored in  1969, the body was painted red and there was an image of a dragon in the shape of an S painted on the front doors indicating that the original owner may have been an Inn, Hotel, or Resor called the Red Dragon. Does this ring a bell with anyone living in the New England area?

ChatMaster Moderator
Joined: 34 years ago
Posts: 120

Do you have any photos from the previous owner that show the dragon? An image might help jar someone's memory. You can post up to 10 images per post here in the forum. Use the 'Attach Files' icon below to do this. Each photo needs to be under 5 megabytes in size.

Also, I suggest you check with a VCCA region/chapter in the area that you are asking about. Here is a list of all the regions with contact info for each:

Good luck!  Dean

Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
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