Just curious as what 'Period Correct' really means. Does it mean that what is on the car is what was sold that year? Or is it anything made prior to and including the date of the car could be on the car?
I was think of the scenario where I replaced my old Chevy with a new one back in the day when most accessories were sold separably. I grew up with the attitude of reuse or fix what you can. I would have transferred every accessory I cold have to the new car. I would have a new 48 Chevy with a heater from a 38, radio from a 41, Compass I bought in 40 etc. To me that would be more realistic than the car with 100% items from 1948 on a 1948 model.
Hilton, New York
1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe
1987 Monte Carlo LS
2001 Chrysler Sebring Convertible
I don't think I've ever seen a set definition. My take is an option or accessory that was available when the car was manufactured and in general use.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Here's Google's AI definition:
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on vccachat.org
Lurch -1927 LM one ton truck - tinyurl.com/Lurch-VCCACHAT-Gallery
Justin - 1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) - tinyurl.com/Justin-Stovebolt-Gallery
I will give an example that illustrates my definition of period correct.
I am planning to add turn signals to my 1936 Chevy 1-1/2 ton truck. I would not think of doing so by using a shiny chrome plated switch with a 4-way flasher feature and then buying some lamps at a local store. It is my opinion that turn signals were commonly added to farm trucks when they began to show up as OEM and aftermarket accessories, in the 1950s. To accomplish my conversion, I have located a nifty old switch that is appropriately "toasty", like my truck. Furthermore, I have sourced a pair of lamps for the rear that illuminate an arrow so that vehicles following me will see a flashing arrow, pointing in the direction of my impending turn. For the front, I chose a pair of small lamps with amber glass "beehive" lenses that will mount on the outside of the frame, just above the bumper. Another choice for the front would have been fender mounted lamps, but I am not big on drilling new holes in my truck.
The goal is to have my entire turn signal setup to look like it was installed in the 1950s, therefore being "period correct" for when (during its working life) signals would likely have been added.
Many Miles of Happy Motoring
3469 Posts on Old VCCA Chat
I would have to agree with what has already been said.
Period correct to me means something that would have been available or used when the car was new or still in common use.
Or, as Mike points out, something that was available and commonly used later on during the time when earlier vehicles were being updated.
And, for me, period correct isn't limited to just the accessories available from the manufacturer.
Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
1946 DR 3/4 ton stake
1139 old site posts
Thanks for the answers. This was one of those terms I hear thrown around allot. I like the idea of when the vehicle would have been in use. I have always had a dream of doing a period correct hot rod using a 40's Chevy. Only using era correct bolt on accessories etc. Kind of like someone may have done to their first car in the 50s in their garage with what they could get or make at the time. Only issue is that would also require another garage since I have no plans of getting rid of the 41 Master Deluxe or the 87 Monte Carlo.
Hilton, New York
1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe
1987 Monte Carlo LS
2001 Chrysler Sebring Convertible
@timothy-kruger Some accessories or parts are serial numbered and not necessarily tied to the VIN of the vehicle. If you had a 65 Corvette, as an example and you installed a serial numbered transmission, many if not most parts could be traced to the year it was manufactured by the serial number. If the transmission wasn't built during that year it wouldn't be "period correct". Also, if you knew the date the car was manufactured and the transmission was built in a period after, it wouldn't be period correct.