All I have is this message: You should have minimum number of approved posts to be able edit your profile information
Since the site migration I've noticed that there are posts waiting to be "moderated" which means a Moderator has to read and approve the first few posts as a way to stop spam posters. That may have been your issue. We discussed doing that in the past and it "may" have been implemented with the move over. I think the number of moderated posts is set at three but don't know for sure. You now have three moderated posts so try it again. Also I mistakenly advised to click the Profile icon. You want to click the Gear icon. My apologies to all for that. This is a learning experience for all of us.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Up and running this morning! Thanks Tiny! Hopefully, everyone will get back to discussing Chevys.
Stovblt is correct, you need to get into your Account profile to edit your signature, avatar and other stuff.
When you're in the forums,
1. Scroll towards the top to see the Forum bar (as Peter called it).
2. Click on My Profile, and you'll see a drop down menu.
3. Select (left click on) "Account" (this step is missing in Peter's explanation above) See my screen shot below.
4. Then you'll be at a page where the little gear icon is, on the right towards the top. This is shown in Peter's diagram above and the far right side.
Hope this helps. Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on
1927 LM one ton truck -
1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) -
I can get to the edit page on my profile but I can't change anything because I get this message."You should have minimum number of approved posts to be able edit your profile information"
Southwest Iowa
See Tiny's post at the top of this page. I had this same issue. Post a few more comments (3-4) and the issue will resolve itself.
I too, am unable to edit my profile because of the minimum number of posts message. No need to respond, I’m just posting to increase my count. Thanks, Mike
@michael-falise We're finding out the number required can vary for some reason. If it takes you more than 4 let us know. This morning I had to approve the 8th post of someone while most are way less. Don't you love computers. 😀
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Sometimes it takes members several days or weeks to make the handful number of posts necessary to allow their profile to be edited. Could a couple generic threads be started in the General Section that members could easily respond to so their count would build. For example, What year is you favorite Chevrolet? What is your favorite car color? Just a thought.
I was wondering the same thing on the post issue. This is the price we pay for progress. We just have to be patient and go with the roll.
Okay this is my second post.
Southwest Iowa
Before I left on vacation I had checked daily all posts to ever forum issue. How does it show what I have read and what I haven't?
Southwest Iowa
How can I start a new thread to like the general discussion forum?
Southwest Iowa
Okay that should be enough post so I can edit my Profile.
Southwest Iowa
will try to make some more posts to boost my numbers