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Steve Dalphonse
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When I view the site without logging in the most recent post says it's 4 hours old however if I log in it updates and is actually more than 48 hours from the original post. Not a problem for me as I can log in however if i were a new viewer and saw no changes in over 24 hours I would have to think there is very little activity and no reason to stick around. I am curious if others have had the same experience. Just checked again w/o logging in and this is what came up:       1928 Sport Cabriolet Wood Framing Measures

By Ricardo Skalee 4 hours ago  |  Last Post: 4 hours ago

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ChatMaster Moderator
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I have not experienced this web display behavior, but, I don't ever log off. When I need to log on (lets say the site was rebooted or I cleared out my browser's temporary storage), I check the little box on the log on page that says to keep me logged in.

I'm no IT expert, but I have a hunch that if you don't sign in, your browser might be displaying a previous version (older version) of the web page because that page is in its cache before it will display the most current web page.  That's one way the browser can provide a faster route to displaying the page.

I suggest that when you come to the web site (and if you're not logged on), press the f5 button on your keyboard to refresh the page. That will cause your browser to go out to the website and get the latest page.

If you continue to see these discrepancies, I suggest you send an email to Peter at Member Services. 



Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
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Steve Dalphonse
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@rustoholic Thanks Dean. The F5 did absolutely nothing. The icon that I thought was for " refresh" comes up as " Reload current page" and no change. I amusing Firefox for the browser so will try a different one. As far as contacting Peter -tried that via phone and Email and no response so far.No change using another browser. I'll wait for contact from Peter.

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Steve Dalphonse
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No change this AM and still waiting for response from the "ADMINISTRATOR".

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Hall Monitor Moderator
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@steve-d I just logged out and clicked the Recent Topics button. It shows the same as what you say you see. When I logged back in, it was a different view. I have no explanation for why other than, when the Recent Topics button is clicked it shows posts in descending order (most recent first). Everything else is ascending order (oldest first). Why the difference and whether it's changeable I have no clue. To me it's not an issue because I never log out unless it's to do a test like this one. I can kind of see that someone might think there's no activity because any new posts will not be at the top of the list but, using my personal behavior as a reference, when I visit a new site I never look to see when the last post was made. If I see an interesting topic I click on it.

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Steve Dalphonse
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@tiny All I can say is if I were a new "visitor" and saw the same leading post three (or more?) days in a row I would not bother to go back. Strangely (to me anyway ) when I got the notice in my regular Email that there was a reply to my thread and clicked the link it brought me right to your post that was 4 hours old and I did not have to log in to view it.

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The coding in the software is something I do not understand. I wasn't part of the decision making process so I have no real clue as to the factors at play when the directors made the decision to buy this software but I feel (strictly an assumption on my part) that price played a large role and, as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. I don't want to put words in his mouth but I seem to remember a group Zoom meeting with the Webmaster and some of the Mods where he said he asked to board to buy different software. Again, I wasn't part of the discussion so I don't know why they purchased WordPress.

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Steve Dalphonse
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@tiny Still waiting for a response from Peter to my Email of Thursday at 3:30 PM Eastern . Only got voicemail when phoning Thurs. and Friday but will try again on Monday. I did not leave a voicemail message as Email was preferred for a quicker response.

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For me personally, I've found it easier and quicker to call. When calling keep in mind he's in Arizona and they don't go by DST. If I remember right, his day starts at 10AM MST but I could be wrong. I've had better luck calling early in his day before he gets busy. He's webmaster for several clubs.

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Steve Dalphonse
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Time zone could be a factor as I was aware he is in Arizona but the office hours are listed as 10-6 CENTRAL TIME and I was thinking AZ as Pacific time. So my Friday call was after 6 PM Central and Thursday was 12:30 Central . My Email however should not be affected by time zones.

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Steve Dalphonse
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Called again today 2/24/25  this time I left a message.

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I have exactly the same problem.

And it starts with exactly the same post and time.

I was thinking maybe the forum had bit the dust... until I just now signed in and realized I've missed over a weeks worth of new posts.

Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
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Steve Dalphonse
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@ole-olson I spoke with Peter this AM and he is aware of the issue and working with the software provider. Hopefully the cure will be along shortly and not painful.

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Steve Dalphonse
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Well the system updated one time and went right back into "Groundhog Mode". I am really trying to keep a positive attitude , however this situation is not helping. My local region is not active and all VCCA activities are a long ways away so most of my Club participation is on the Chat Site. The lack of concern from those in charge is disappointing to say the least.


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