I have found lot's of good info in the old forums. However, I usually find when I attempt to look at a picture, I get a message saying it can't be found (or opened, I don't remember which). Can this be fixed?
Can you post a link to the thread in question? I'll check it out. If the photo is actually a link to a photo on a hosing site, the issue is usually a dead link. A LOT of good pictures went to the grave when Photobucket went from ad supported free to pay hosting.
7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
Ditto what Tiny said about Photobucket.
If the link in the old Chat post cannot be updated, try sending an email to the original poster. He/she might still have the original pic.
Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
3511 posts on vccachat.org
1927 LM one ton truck - tinyurl.com/Lurch-VCCACHAT-Gallery
1928 AB Canopy Express (1/2 ton truck) - tinyurl.com/Justin-Stovebolt-Gallery