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Doing more upgrades on my 52 Styleline Deluxe


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I finally got sick of hearing the brake and clutch pedal assemblies squeaking. I ordered a trick brake pedal assembly. Pictures to come soon. I decided to go and make my car an open driveline vehicle. I am running a 235 under the hood and I plan on keeping that in place (compression numbers are good 135 is the lowest number and leak down was perfect on all 6 cylinders). I have a power glide that I had rebuilt about a year ago. I had it rebuilt dry. I got a couple rear ends laying around I need to do some measuring on them width wise. I do plan on making a 4000-mile road trip this fall. I have done some homework, and it has been a long time since I converted to open driveline. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Nick Gurin reacted
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Lubricate your existing pedals and leave it as is and drive it. When you start modifying something you open a barrel of angry snakes at least 1 of which will bite you, been there and had it happen.


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I agree with lubing the pedals, we have a stock 54 4 door that we have driven 10,000 miles in the last 8 years.
