Oil leak from timin...
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Oil leak from timing cover - Chevrolet truck 1.5ton 1933


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Next concern. The oil pan underside have been heavily covered with oil dirt (see photo). For me, it looks like it is coming from the timing cover opening towards the harmonic balancer. On these 207 models there is a slinger to protect the opening. The rear end at the flywheel, looks good from what I can see. In the front there is a hole for  oil return, and I wonder how to clean.

IMG 6807
IMG 6813
IMG 6814


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Hei Thor

Because there was only a slinger and no actual cork seal up front until 1935, some leakage is really just a fact of life on early engines.

Even after the seal was introduced, it is/was pretty rare for there not to be "some" leakage.

And with time and accumulation a lot of oil pans got to looking just like yours.  🙂

The only recommendations I could offer would be to make sure the gasket under the timing cover is good, and when installing the timing cover, center the hole in the cover around the crankshaft (with an even gap all the way around) as best you can.

And of course, as you know, make sure the drain back hole to the crankcase is open.


Because you've said the rear end looks good, I assume it's that front drain back hole you are wondering about.

Just running a wire past the gear and through the hole should suffice.


If the rear is running clean, you probably don't need to worry about the rear drain hole.

But, if you do want to clean it, you will need to remove the oil pan for that.

After turning the crankshaft throw out of the way, you should be able to run a wire into it as well.

You can apply compressed air and even some solvent to the hole as it should just escape harmlessly past the gap in the slinger.


Hope that's what you wanted.

By the way...

Hvordan staver du etternavnet ditt på norsk?

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Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
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Excellent, then I will use solvent and compressed air on the front, and do nothing with the rear.


My norwegian name is Thor Østgaard. Just look me up on Facebook


