39 wheel cylinder
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39 wheel cylinder


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 question . Rebuilding wheel brake cylinder . Does the spring have or not have ex-panders on each end of the spring ? Or does the spring go directly go inside the cup with the concave side of the piston facing outward ..   Thank You .  Paul


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Not sure what you mean by expander on the spring. The spring will have a rubber seal on each end that pushes against a piston on each end. Each end of the cylinder has a "star wheel" that is for adjusting the brakes. If that's what you're referring to as an expander, it doesn't touch the spring. Watch the video below starting at the 7 minute mark.


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I have seen some wheel cylinders that have a thin metal plate on the ends of the spring that appears to help keep the cup lips spread to fit tighter to the cylinder walls but most have been on later model vehicles and may not have been Chevrolets though.


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Paul, The smooth end of the piston goes inboard to contact the cup. I can check later to see if the spring has the little "hats" in the ends.



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Thank you everyone. After searching online for hours I found a picture which shows no metal hats in the assembly picture

Paul .

This post was modified 1 week ago by paul robb
