I mentioned to 37Blue of this forum that I hate to have to get rid of the old cable and cap look of the Electrolock ignition setup just because I am going with a 12volt system.
He mentioned that there was a discussion about this idea in the old VCCACHAT forum. I located that string and was disappointed to see that the photos that were associated with it are no longer accessible.
Does anyone have access to those pictures? Or, has anyone done anything like this...where you disguise your 12volt coil with a setup that allows the Electrolock coil cap to be used?
Here is a link to the old chat forum discussion: https://vccachat.org/ubbthreads.php/topics/325016/re-electrolock-on-a-12-volt-coil.html#Post324469
Thanks for your ideas and input.
Nick Gurin
Taos, New Mexico
1940 KC 1/2 Ton Pickup
The photos are no longer available because Photobucket went to a pay format instead of free hosting. You can do a member search and contact him directly.
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I posted a Private Message to Modiol but I am not sure that posting it on the Old VCCA Chat site will work. I don't see him in the current member roster.
Nick Gurin
Taos, New Mexico
1940 KC 1/2 Ton Pickup
I upgraded my 1938 Chevy to 12 volt and wanted to keep an original look with the Electroloc in tact. I will try to explain what I did and hopefully the pictures will show.
I use the pertronix ignition kit to replace the points and keep the original distributor. I replaced the coil with a 12 volt coil. I mounted the coil upside down in the holder. I emptied a spray can that I had on the shelf. I cut the can, and it was a snug fit over the coil, with a small space between the bottom of the coil and the top of the can. The bottom of the can (which is now the top) has a concave shape. I drilled 2 holes in the concave area. One hole to bolt the electroloc cap to it, and another hole for a wire.
I also drilled a hole in the side of the can, towards the top. I re-wired the electroloc and installed a longer wire. The wire runs thru the electroloc, thru the cap, into and out of the side of the can to a resistor (not sure I really needed one), and then to the coil. The wire and resistor are hidden on the backside of the coil. I painted the can black. I used rubber grommets for all the holes i drilled before passing a wire thru them. It's been there for over 10 years, I haven't had any problems with it.
Excellent! Thank you so much! I have a lot better idea now of what you did!
Nick Gurin
Taos, New Mexico
1940 KC 1/2 Ton Pickup