69 Corvette voltage...
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69 Corvette voltage regulator


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Hello All,

What are the symptoms of a voltage regulator starting to go bad? My '69 Corvette is doing this: Just recently, while driving with the headlights on, after a few minutes the battery indicator started swing wildly and then went to full discharge and then went back to normal for the rest of the trip. This has happened twice. It has the original alternator that has been rebuilt many years ago and seemed to be working fine. Is it the voltage regulator or something else in the alternator? I don't think it is a short somewhere since no fuses blow and everything is working fine. Thanks for your help.


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Full disclosure, I am NOT proficient in automotive electrics but I do have a rule of thumb I've used over the years. My experience is that if it's charging but not "normal" it's the voltage regulator. If it's not charging at all it's the alternator/generator. Of course I could be full of beans. Someone will be along shorty to educate us both.

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