Hello, My question is can a manual trans master cylinder be used in a power glide car? Standard shift cylinders are more plentiful and easier to come by and it appears the brake pedal mount looks the same. I rebuilt the original about 40 years ago but the car has been in mothballs for some 50 years now. Cylinder is locked up.
I believe that the two (Powerglide and Manual) master cylinders mount differently. The master cylinder can be re-sleeved and rebuilt if heavily pitted.
How sweet the roar of a Chevy four
Participant on Chatter since 11/22/2001
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Yes you can but you need to use the parts that hold the pedal in the powergulide cylinder in the replacement cylinder. I did it on my 54 so I think it should be the same for your 51.
Kanter Auto list the PG cylinder . https://www.kanter.com/products/brake-master-cylinder-mc13378 I had my 51 master cylinder re-sleeved and after shipping cost as much as the rebuilt price from Kanter .
7472 old site post