That hinge on mine wasnt that bad but I used a pin punch to start the hinge pin towards the rear and then a pair of locking pliers on the then protruding end and a hammer to drag the pin out but I dont know if that would work on yours.
Tony's method is the only one I'm aware of but there may be others. I believe the hinge wire/pin was swedged on one end then pushed or driven into place. They weren't designed to be taken apart so it's kind of invent as you go. If you can determine which end was swedged, it may be a tad easier to drive it out the opposite way so you don't have to drive the wider part through every hinge segment.
7046 old site posts
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1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
If your hinge pin is as bent as it looks to be in your picture, you are going to have a lot of trouble getting it out. I. don't believe there is any peening or swedging that holds it in place so removal is not directional. I would try to straighten it in place as much as possible before attempting removal. Good luck.
Many Miles of Happy Motoring
3469 Posts on Old VCCA Chat
@anthony-williamson Thanks Tony,will give that a try. As a last resort I'm thinking of taking a little dremmel blade and cutting it out in little sections.
If the hood hinge pins (rods) are relatively straight I use a flat ended punch to start them moving. Some times it is necessary to put penetration oil on the hinges and work the hinges for a while to loosen them up. Once I get the pin out far enough to chuck it into a drill I back the pin out by spinning it and pulling on the drill. In most cases either clockwise or anti-clockwise works better than the other. I am not sure why? Works well when putting the back in as well. Then only necessary to tap it in the final short distance.
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Wouldn't Martin be wise to change out the pins to stainless steel rather than reuse the old ones? That's what I was going to do in my 28.
Well. after multiple attempts to remove the rusted in place hood side curtains I am at an impasse.After using up nearly a can of PB Blaster they are still locked in place and some of the hinge tabs have broken loose. I am now using a small grinder to cut out the wire in smaller pieces. I am also now thinking of totally cutting off the hinge pieces and finding a suitable piano type hinge to attach both pieces before trying to source a new hood. Any thoughts or comments on this are appreciated.
@garage-art I have had good luck with Evapo-Rust to unlock frozen in place parts.
7472 old site post
@steve-d It might be to late for that. Was hoping to re attach with a different type of hinge as the rest is in pretty good shape. Thanks Steve!