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Transmission Grinding


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My 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Station Wagon Woodie grinds when upshifting to 2nd and 3rd unless you go real slow. It will always grind when downshifting from 3rd to 2nd. The transmission has vacuum assist. Any idea on a good transmission repair shop around St Louis?

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John, at the top of the page you'll see a button that says Rosters. Click that then click Member Roster. From there you can search for other members in your area and get their contact information. A few emails will probably get you the info you need.

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Have you checked all of you linkages.  On my 41 it was difficult to shift and I did grind some gears due to bushings that were shot.  Replaced the bushings in the linkage and lubed everything up to solve the shifting issues.  Allot less work to check the linkage first.  

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I had similar issues with my '41 and it was worn synchronizers.   I sourced a used replacement and rebuilt at my leisure (took about 10 hours).    Swapped it out (removed old trans on a Saturday and replaced new on a Sunday) and now shifting great.

Look up Jayhawker on Youtube.  He has great videos of this rebuild....helped a lot to demystify it.
