How do I find a person to find out if they are a VCCA member? I know a person that has past away and would like to know if they were a member. I don't want to go through all the pages of the members since they are not in alphabet order.
Southwest Iowa
I did a search for the name you mentioned in another post and got zero results. There was a member with the same last name also in Illinois perhaps related. The search took less than two minutes . Keep in mind it only list current (paid) members so contacting member services perhaps you could get results for past members.
7472 old site post
@steve-d Thank you Steve, I was wondering about contacting Peter but I haven't got around to that yet. Could send me a privet message? I would like to know the person you found with the same last name, Maybe they can get me in touch with his family.
Southwest Iowa
@john-schildberg PM sent. I think. If you don't get it let me know.
7472 old site post
@steve-d Thank you Steve I called that member and he is Finis's son. It was great talking with him and he is planning on keeping his dads car and all the parts!
Southwest Iowa