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Could have been me


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Have you even heard a news story and thought, "that could have been me"? That happened this evening to me. The evening news had a story about a mine accident in Colorado that killed a tour guide and stranded a group of tourists 1000 feet below ground for hours. It was some kind of malfunction with the elevator door. As they showed video clips of the tour guide that got killed it dawned on me, I've seen that guy. A couple of years ago the Southwest Fall Tour was based out of Canon City Colorado. One of the stops on the tour was this same mine and the group the wife and I went down the shaft with was led by the fellow who got killed. I distinctly remember they way they loaded us into the elevator car. They packed ten of us into an elevator car little larger than a phone booth. The guide shoved and packed us in then squeezed himself in too. It was VERY cozy in that elevator car. It took a few tries to get the door to latch. I can picture the door of the car failing with that much pressure on it over and over and the guide would always be the one just inside the door. If it failed he would be the first to be pushed out the door and into the side of the shaft while the car was moving. Understand I don't know if that's how the door failed but I can picture it happening. Prayers to all affected by the accident, especially the guide's family.

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As a farmer who works with a lot of older machinery that many would consider dangerous, and never-the-less feels safe doing it...

the story you tell makes me shiver inside, and it was YOU in that cage, and not me.

I admit I'm somewhat afflicted with claustrophobia, but I can't (and don't want to) imagine being in a situation like that.



Ole S Olson
Saskatoon, Sask, Canada
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It seems to me that a lot of safety features and procedures were ignored. As a maintenance supervisor at a large coal mine I was responsible for the elevator that put men and equipment in and out of the mine. The elevator had a 50 man limit. We were regulated by federal and state law and regulations concerning maintenance and load limits. It was inspected every day and the inspection was logged. I don't like to second guess but something does not jive. 

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@william-vance My Wife and I vacationed with friends in the Colorado Springs area, a few years ago. We all rode that elevator. It is a sad situation no matter how you look at it.



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