38 Sedan (without e...
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38 Sedan (without external trunk)


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Hello everyone!
Looking for parts for my 38 coupe I found a 38 sedan (without external trunk) and as I had never seen one I decided to research it. I didn't even find a current photo. Only period photos.
I know that only a few were produced (522) but is it really that rare?
I can't find much information about this model. Would anyone know how many were produced of this model for export? Next to it was the body of a 38 delivery with right-hand drive and when researching I saw that only 10 were produced in this configuration.
Both are export models.
A few months ago they had a 38 coach (right-hand drive) with them but it was quickly sold... the guy really likes the 38 models!


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I always assumed that  the low production numbers for the "flatback" models was because by 1937, buyers had figured out that an integral trunk was a pretty practical feature. VCCA member,  Dean Echols in Chino Valley Arizona is a pretty savvy guy when it comes to 1938 Chevys. I don't know if he is a Chat member. 

BTW, Welcome to Chevy Chat.



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Dean Echols is currently working on a "Flat Back" '38 Sedan. He doesn't frequent this forum but is very knowledgeable having owned a number of 38s since high school. He is the current 1938 VCCA Technical Advisor.

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@gmessa38 According to the Restoration Pack for 1938, the trunkless cars were officially called simply a Sedan if they were four door or Coach if two door. The models with trunks were Club Sedan (four door) or Town Sedan (two door). That knowledge and $5 will get you a cup of coffee most places......

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Thank you very much for your attention, guys!

I'm passionate about the 38 models. I've been following the forum for a long time but I've never registered or interacted. Now I'm part of it and I feel very happy about it!

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Just as it was new to me, I believe that many have never seen this sedan model either, so I'll post photos. I confess that I didn't think it was the most beautiful of the 38. But I enjoyed getting to know...
As for delivery, despite being completely worn out, I would like to buy it. It's a car that I think is beautiful and doesn't exist here in my region. But it's so rare (10 units) that I don't know if I have the courage to move the steering wheel to the left side, which I prefer...

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WhatsApp Image 2024 10 28 at 11.54.34 (2)
WhatsApp Image 2024 10 28 at 11.54.34
WhatsApp Image 2024 10 28 at 11.54.32


Nick Gurin reacted
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Back to your original post. I don't believe anyone archived records of how many of which model was produced. While undoubtedly GM kept records for a while, I've not heard of them having been archived for reference now. In other words, when someone says only X number of a particular model were produced in X year, take that with a grain of salt. It makes a good story but it may be just that, a story.

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@tiny I completely agree! Chevrolet knows how to make beautiful cars but it doesn't really know how to keep a history of it.

I'm actually based on forums where members say they've seen these numbers in magazines. Personally, I haven't seen any files or I'm sure of the sources that the members use... The only certainty I have is that in the car database in my country (I'm Brazilian) there are few 1938 Chevrolets besides mine and no deliveries.

That's why I wanted to ask you. Here in Brazil, Chevrolet is famous for not having a good source for consulting details on old cars. I thought it was just a regional problem but it's a little more than that. hahaha

Patrick Kroeger
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When GM had legal issues with the gas tanks on their pickups, I believe in the 70's and 80's, their attorneys told them to get rid as much of old records and data as possible.  Lots of things ended up in landfills.

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@dunfire  Patrick, Let's face it. GM, nor any of it's competitors, give a hoot about the old car hobby that is attached to their marque. The stuff that is available from GM Heritage is available from other sources and is provided by GM in a half hearted attempt to pretend like they care.

VCCA begged Chevrolet to advertise in the G and D magazine, for years. They finally did for a short while, but stopped. Chevrolet could bankroll the entire budget of VCCA and it would not be noticeable in their advertising budget. Maybe they figure that they have most of us hooked already, why spend an extra $.


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Patrick Kroeger
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Mike, your exactly right. We have made attempts to Chevrolet and GMC dealers to have car shows, cruise in's, etc. They look at us like "Why would we do that"?  We had one Chevrolet dealer give us some bags for give aways but wanted us to provide advertising for them on our dime, we declined.

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Posted by: @dunfire

When GM had legal issues with the gas tanks on their pickups, I believe in the 70's and 80's, their attorneys told them to get rid as much of old records and data as possible.  Lots of things ended up in landfills.

I had no idea about that... it explains a lot!!

But the fact that they can't make money with us also explains why they're not interested in helping to preserve history through us...


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In a few days I should pass by the place where the cars are again. The delivery doesn't have much to show as it has practically no parts but the sedan model seems very original to me.
Would anyone here like me to take a photo of a specific part? Anything that could help with some restoration or something?
