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How To Find My Posts


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This is awful, I know but I’m trying to figure out how to easily find my posts even my current chats. Can anyone help me. Other sites have a method, but if this one does, I can’t find the button!

Hall Monitor Moderator
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 821

Two ways I'm aware of. 1: Once logged on, hover over the My Profile button then click the Activity tab. 2: When in a thread where you've posted prior, click the down arrow below your name. Then click the Activity icon (thought bubbles icon).

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@tiny Two ways I'm aware of. 1: Click your name. Then click the Activity tab. 2: Click the down arrow below your name. Then click the Activity icon (thought bubbles icon).

That does not work for me. When I open the forum the only place my name appears is at the very top of the page and is not clickable.

However, if I scroll down to the gray bar under The Filling Station advert. and click on the My Profile Tab, then the dropdown menu has My Activity tab.

Now if I have made a post then my name will appear to the left of the post and I can do as you described.


Hall Monitor Moderator
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 821

@ruscar I apologize for the confusion. You do indeed have to navigate to an existing post before your user name becomes a link. I'll edit my answer. Thanks.

7046 old site posts
Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet
1938 Master Business Coupe
1953 210 Sedan
