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Adding an image - a little different than the old site


ChatMaster Moderator
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When you use the Attach Files function, the image is uploaded and placed in your post WHERE THE CURSOR WAS PLACED when you started the upload process.


For example, I have my cursor at the end of this sentence as I click on the Attach Files link below.

4 LurchHalloween1996


 The above photo is from Halloween 1996 when I drove Lurch to work wearing a cow costume. 🤡 I know, utterly ridiculous!


This is a different behavior than the old Attachment Manager, which always placed the image at the bottom of the post.


If you want a pic at the bottom of the post, place the cursor at the bottom when you upload it or them.


I have not seen a way to add a caption to a photo yet. I'll keep looking and keep you posted. (pun intended)


Cheers, Dean

Dean "Rustoholic" Meltz
San Leandro, CA
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Hi Dean

Speaking of puns...

Didn't you mean that the costume was "udderly" ridiculous?  🙂 

Ole S Olson
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Groan. 😀

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