Steve Dalphonse
Steve Dalphonse
Group: Registered
Estimable Member Registered
@tiny Thank you Tiny. I did notice the photo placement but h...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
@tiny My post regarding the parking brake color.

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
Contact Jarvis Erickson Lynnwood WA 425-776-2804 He adverti...

In forum Technical - 1933-1936

5 months ago
Forum photo attachment removal?

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
@tiny Painted this AM with the same gray hammer tone color I...

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

5 months ago
@tiny Ok Thanks I had thought mine was that color as the ori...

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

5 months ago
Parking brake rod housing color

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

5 months ago
John, You will need to click on one of the print style optio...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
Had a nice conversation with Bill Dirnberger the 51 TA . Wit...

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

5 months ago
@tiny I will do that .

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

5 months ago
@tiny OK . Does not make sense to me . Seems like an extra s...

In forum Technical - Electrical - 6 Volt

5 months ago
@tiny Might have to contact the Technical Advisor for the i...

In forum Technical - Electrical - 6 Volt

6 months ago
Parking brake handle

In forum Technical - 1949-1954

6 months ago
@chip I used several shims and on one mount double pads and ...

In forum What did you do with your vehicle today?

6 months ago
The home header bar tabs in blue change to yellow when the c...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

6 months ago
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