Group: Registered
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@mike-rabaut Hi Mike Sorry for the delay, it was a litt...

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago
@mike-rabaut I'll try to get some good pictures in the mo...

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago
Hi Chris Welcome to the new forum! Looks like you have f...

In forum Technical - 1917-1923 - Models D, F, FA, and FB

5 months ago
@mike-rabaut You certainly seem to have the right heater ...

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago
Thumb up... thumb down?

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
@robert-loer Hi Robert Short answer... yes. The intak...

In forum Technical - 1929-1932

5 months ago
Hi Mike Do you already have a heater to install? If so, ...

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago
@p-gariepy Thanks Peter, worked great! I put my name on...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
Very nice! Going by your user name, I assume the '37 is yo...

In forum Technical - Trucks

5 months ago
Hi Dick I too miss that feature of the old site. I compl...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
Hi John Have you tried using the "Recent Posts" function i...

In forum General Discussion

5 months ago
@morten-c Hi Morten I was looking for some actual Chevr...

In forum Technical - 1929-1932

5 months ago
Actually, I've made a practice of checking in daily at the o...

In forum Forum and Website Usage Questions

5 months ago
Hi Robert Yes the intake and exhaust valves were the same ...

In forum Technical - 1929-1932

5 months ago
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